Wednesday, February 23, 2011

101 books down, 157 days to go...

Sorry for the long delay.  February hasn't been a good month for reading...well, for anything.  But I've managed five more books since last month...
You, Maybe was a little book I wasn't too bad.  It settled the part of my mind that wanted a good teenage read.  It was a little depressing, but it was truthful, no sugar coatings or anything special.
The Carnivorous Carnival, The Slippery Slope, and The Grim Grotto...aka the next three books in Series of Unfortunate Events.  I'm going to finish this series, I promise!  These next three books deal more directly with the individual Baudelaire's and their feelings, not to mention showing more of Olaf.  Sunny also transgresses from a baby to a little girl, which I thought was entirely adorable, and the reference to T.S. Eliot was an added bonus.
The book that's been commanding most of my time was Queen of Camelot.  Six hundred pages full of Arthorian myth and legend surrounding his High Queen Guinevere.  A great read if a bit slow, sad and hopeful.  And thanks to that, I've been starting a craze for Arthorian legend!  I've been watching BBC's Merlin series nonstop (which might explain my lack of reading), so once I finish this pile of books I've had out for a while, I'm going to read more about Camelot.

Well, we've finally surpassed the hundred book mark!  Love from Justi!

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