Friday, October 15, 2010

21 books down, 328 days to go

Hi!  I finished Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie.  This was a different book than what I normally read...I'm reading a lot of those hope-filled books lately.  Steven is living the high life, a drummer in All-City, trying to impress the girl of his dreams, when his little brother is diagnosed with leukemia.  This has a different format, but it gives a perspective on how his life is actually going.  The one thing I really disliked was the jump between times.  It was October, and then a few pages later it was immediately winter.  It could have had better transitions, but still, an overall good read.  I even got my brother to start it, which is a rare feat!
250 to 300 million cell phones are being used in the U.S.
Love from Justi!  21 books done, 328 days to go!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You two are making awesome progress. That's about a book every two days--right on track! Great to see your blog posts, Justi! You sure are keeping up with the inimitable Elizabeth. Both of you: excellent reviews. Thanks for the recommendations!

