Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Hey all!

Well, actually, this blog is meant for my dear cousin, Justina.  Hey There!  Check out the blog.  If you would like to help me with my 2010-2011 200 book marathon blog, we can tailor the site just to our needs.  The "Zoe"s can quickly be replaced with "Justina"s as well as the "Sister"s with "Cousin"s.

So yes, readers.  I am seriously considering stretching this blog out one more year!  Yay!  And this year, I am inviting my avid reader of a cousin, Justin (who is one year older than Zoe and one year more mature) to help me, instead of Zoe.

So please comment on this blog if you think this is a good idea (inviting Justina to help out).  Together, we can convince her to join us!  :)

Love, Elizabeth

By the way, Justina, you can search book titles in the search box to see if I have already reviewed them for the blog.


  1. "and one year more mature": that'll get you smiles...and a bruise or two! :-D

    Maybe Justina can help you make the 2009/2010 target! To Elizabeth I say, "GOOD IDEA!" To Justina: "HELP HER, Justi! Help the girl!"

    I would love to read both of your reviews and takes on literature, ehem, and massmarket junkfood, too.

    -a.m. in metuchen

  2. Hey! This is Justi!!! Count me in...but where is the search bar...? I need to know what books you've already written about!

  3. That would be a great idea. I think Justi's books would count considering Zoe has dropped out. But first let me get her to blog about the books she has read in the past 5 months that she hasn't blogged (!) (I don't even think I'm exaggerating about the whole 'five months' thing!)
