Hey all! 50 days to read 28 books! That's almost one and a half books a day! AHH!!
Well, even though Zoe basically quit (so incredibly ANGRY with her for that) I WILL READ ON!
Okay- I finished two books in three days (one book with three books in it- I forget what that is called)- that's pretty good, right??? (So I guess it would be 4 books read, huh? Yeah- It would.) (Uggg)
While visiting my younger cousins I stumbled upon one of there chapter books, which turned out to be a young adult book, and a great one at that. The books is called Schooled.
In this book, by Gordan Korman, Capricorn (Cap) Anderson moves to Claverige to go to their middle school (which the students call C Average Middle School, taking out the l). But he is not just any ordinary new kid. He has hair down to his waist, tie-dye T-shirts, shoe-less school days, and Tai Chi practices ever day in the schoolyard. He has never gone to a real school before, though he can drive a truck (and a school bus!) at age 13. He has been arrested and will get arrested multiple times for driving without a license, even to save some one's life. This kid "should be a dork!" according to popular 8th graders Zach, Lena, Darryl, and Naomi. But when the whole school starts to adore Cap, things really change. Great book. It's an easy read, but it flowed nicely and the thoughts and dialog in this book that switches 1st person every chapter was perfect. I very much enjoyed it.
I also read Thirst (which includes three books: The Last Vampire, Black Blood, and Red Dice.
These books are about a 5000 year old vampire who falls in love, meets new people, sees and kills people daily and experiences heartbreak as a forever-20-year-old vampire. That basically all I can say, because each book in this trilogy is basically about that, not much else. This is one of those books where you can't put it down, but once you're done you are not compelled to read the next books. SO yes, if you have NOTHING else to read, this would be a good one, but don't plan on falling in love with these books, though I guess some people might. I'm thinking that maybe the reason why I wasn't wild about these books was that they were written by a male, yet the 1st person character is a girl, so the writing style might be different.
According to suicide statistics, Monday is the favored day for self-destruction.
Love, Elizabeth
172 books down, 50 days to go!
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