Sunday, October 18, 2009

I am so sorry it has been so long since I posted! Busy, busy busy!
Well I read two books, The Mother-Daughter Book Club 3- Dear Pen Pal, and The Everafter. Two amazing books. Well, I'll start with Heather Vogel Fredrick's, Dear Pen Pal.

This book is amazing. The whole series is. So, let me give you some background. This series takes place in Concord, MA, a place dear to our hearts. Now, I met her at a book signing and we became friends. We emailed each other for a while and now we are back on track. By the way, she mentioned my street! How cool is that? I told what street i lived on in Concord and she put it in the book!!!!
Well anyway, this year The Mother-Daughter book club is full of eighth graders! Meghan, Jess, Emma, Cassidy, and Becca have all grown up! In this story the girls get pen pals! Throughout the year the year the girls must right to there pen pals. In the meantime, Jess decided to take her scholarship and go to a snotty Boarding School in Concord and is stuck with Godzilla Girl as her roommate, Cassidy get a big surprise, Emma participates in the school news paper, Meghan works hard on her designs with her Grandma who cam to visit her from China for the first time in many, many years, and Becca... well. Becca's just kind of there. I have to say: she is not my favorite character :)
I am kind of afraid, though, that Godzilla will join the book club. Too many members! In the first book it was just Meghan, Cassidy, Jess, and Emma. In the second book Becca joined, and in the third Godzilla was introduced. I wonder...
Anyway, Jess is definetly my favorite character in the story. She is brilliant, sweet, caring and loyal. GO JESS! Go Mother-Daughter Book Club! Go Heather Vogel Fredrick! Awesome book. A must read :)

Now on to the Everafter. Very interesting concept. The main character Maddy is dead, at the age of 17 and in the little space her spirit moved on to, missing things from her life appeared and then she would relive the moment that happened, and she become skilled enough to change some of the things that happened. She meets other ghosts, but she must find a way to move on with her boyfriend, Gabe's, spirit to better place than Is, the creepy area she was trapped in when she wasn't reliving some of her life's episodes. But to do this she must find out how she died.
Also an awesome (yet a little bit strange) read. I highly recommend it.

By the way, Zoe said she tried to read Whip It and teh Anadomy of wings, but she said they were so awful that she couldn't get passed page 30 on either of them.

Ok, well that's all for now.

Every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming 1/10 of a calorie.

Love Lizzy S.

24 books down, 319 days to go

1 comment:

  1. Hi Girls! I just bought The Everafter on my Kindle sight unseen based on your blog. I've a weakness for "dead chick lit" (ugh! probably shouldn't but the genre does instill an appreciation for life's little moments) and this one got great reviews. Thanks for the tip!

    Love the fun fact! Maybe they should flavor stamps just to make it worth the calories.

    a.m. in n.j.
